Sustainable Green Team 在彭博社的 New to the Street 上首次亮相 WaterLess Garden,由首席执行官 Tony Raynor 和渔业传奇人物 Jimmy Houston 主讲。 Sustainable Green Team debuts WaterLess Garden on Bloomberg's New to the Street, featuring CEO Tony Raynor and fishing legend Jimmy Houston.
可持续绿色团队(SGTM)将于10月26日6时30分在Bloomberg的新街上首映WaterLess花园产品, Sustainable Green Team (SGTM) will debut its WaterLess Garden product on Bloomberg's New to the Street at 6:30 PM EST on October 26. CEOTony Raynor和渔业传奇人物Jimmy Houston将介绍这个生态友好解决方案, CEO Tony Raynor and fishing legend Jimmy Houston will present this eco-friendly solution aimed at conserving water and enhancing soil health. 这一部分还将介绍100%有机的湿土和SGTM鹿类土壤,促进园丁、农民和野生动物爱好者的可持续做法。 The segment will also introduce Humisoil and SGTM Deer Soil, all 100% organic, promoting sustainable practices for gardeners, farmers, and wildlife enthusiasts.