RSS秘书长驳斥与BJP的不和,强调包容性和加强联系。 RSS General Secretary dismisses discord with BJP, emphasizes inclusivity and strengthening ties.
RSS秘书长Dattareya Hosabale驳回了关于RSS与BJP之间不和的主张,称他们的关系是家庭关系。 RSS General Secretary Dattatreya Hosabale has dismissed claims of discord between the RSS and the BJP, describing their relationship as a familial bond. 他强调对话和包容的重要性, 邀请包括拉胡尔·甘地在内的所有人与 RSS 接触. He stressed the importance of dialogue and inclusivity, inviting all, including Rahul Gandhi, to engage with the RSS. 随着印度人民党为新的领导层做准备,RSS 准备重新获得影响力,并有望任命与 Sangh 有密切联系的领导人担任党内的关键职位。 As the BJP prepares for new leadership, the RSS is poised to regain influence, with expectations of appointing leaders with strong Sangh ties to key positions within the party.