Pete Buttigigeg在匹兹堡为Kamala Harris竞选,强调每一票的重要性和两党的支持。 Pete Buttigieg campaigned for Kamala Harris in Pittsburgh, emphasizing every vote's importance and bipartisan support.
选举日临近之际,皮特·布蒂吉格 (Pete Buttigieg) 在匹兹堡为卡玛拉·哈里斯 (Kamala Harris) 竞选,参加了在罗伯托·克莱门特博物馆 (Roberto Clemente Museum) 举行的“前进新之路团结活动”。 Pete Buttigieg campaigned for Kamala Harris in Pittsburgh as Election Day nears, participating in the "New Way Forward Unity Event" at the Roberto Clemente Museum. 他强调了共和党的两党支持,包括前官员Geoff Duncan和Bill Weld的支持。 He highlighted bipartisan support from Republicans, including former officials Geoff Duncan and Bill Weld. Buttigieg强调每次投票的重要性,以及哈里斯执政后有可能创造更具包容性的政治环境。 Buttigieg emphasized the significance of every vote and the potential for a more inclusive political environment under Harris. 他还在访问期间访问了契斯维克和华盛顿。 He also visited Cheswick and Washington during his trip.