格伦代尔居民反对增加建筑高度,理由是对邻里美学,财产价值和社区特征的担忧. Glendale residents oppose increased building heights, citing concerns about neighborhood aesthetics, property values, and community character.
Glendale居民表示强烈反对允许建筑高度提高的拟议修改。 Glendale residents are voicing strong opposition to proposed changes allowing increased building heights. 关注的焦点是邻里美学、财产价值和社区特性的潜在影响。 Concerns center around potential impacts on neighborhood aesthetics, property values, and community character. 地方官员正在审议这项旨在解决住房短缺问题的提案,但社区的抵制突出显示了该地区城市发展方面的重大分歧。 Local officials are considering the proposal, which aims to address housing shortages, but the community's resistance highlights significant divisions regarding urban development in the area.