29岁的联合王国妇女在诊断错误后发现自己患了罕见的组织癌;接受了手术和化疗。 29-year-old UK woman discovered she had rare tissue cancer after misdiagnosis; underwent surgery and chemotherapy.
凯蒂·阿丁(Katie Arding),29岁,来自英国,在发现她患有高品位的胸膜状脊椎细胞沙科马之前,被误诊为尿道感染,这是罕见的组织癌症。 Katie Arding, a 29-year-old from the UK, was misdiagnosed with a urinary tract infection before discovering she had high-grade pleomorphic spindle cell sarcoma, a rare tissue cancer. 她从澳大利亚返回联合王国后接受了化疗和12小时手术,以移除肿瘤和若干生殖器官。 After returning to the UK from Australia, she underwent chemotherapy and a 12-hour surgery to remove the tumor and several reproductive organs. 尽管癌症的回报风险很高,但她为她的旅程感到骄傲,并计划开办一个企业,为那些发病者提供负担得起的定制假发。 Despite the cancer's high return risk, she is proud of her journey and plans to start a business offering affordable customized wigs for those with hair loss.