32岁的Joel Hislop因2019年在Telford的Hadley用武器袭击一名男子而被判处11年监禁。 32-year-old Joel Hislop was sentenced to 11 years in prison for assaulting a man with a weapon in Hadley, Telford, in 2019.
Joel Hislop,32岁,因2019年在Telford的Hadley刺伤一名男子,被判处11年监禁。 Joel Hislop, 32, was sentenced to 11 years in prison for stabbing a man in Hadley, Telford, in 2019. Hislop以造成严重身体伤害和拥有进攻性武器的攻击罪名,袭击了携带一名幼儿的受害人,造成多处刺伤。 Convicted of assault causing grievous bodily harm and possession of an offensive weapon, Hislop attacked the victim, who was carrying a young child, inflicting multiple stab wounds. Hislop在经过复杂的调查后被捕。 Hislop’s arrest followed a complex investigation. 探长Paul Dury赞扬了这一判决,强调了这一罪行的严重性。 Detective Inspector Paul Dury praised the sentence, highlighting the serious nature of the crime.