瑞士生物技术公司 Page Therapeutics 任命 Meret Gaugler 博士为独立董事会成员,以指导向临床试验的过渡。 Swiss biotech firm, Page Therapeutics, appoints Dr. Meret Gaugler as independent board member to guide transition to clinical trials.
Page Therapeutics 是一家专注于转移性癌症的瑞士生物技术公司,已任命 Meret Gaugler 博士为独立董事会成员。 Page Therapeutics, a Swiss biotech firm focused on metastatic cancer, has appointed Dr. Meret Gaugler as an independent board member. Gaugler拥有14年以上的生命科学投资经验,将指导该公司向临床试验过渡。 With over 14 years of experience in life sciences investment, Gaugler will guide the company's transition to clinical trials. 佩奇治疗公司的目标是开发针对循环瘤细胞的治疗方法, 防止转移形成. Page Therapeutics aims to develop therapies that target circulating tumor cells and prevent metastasis formation.