流行歌手莉莉·艾伦在OnlyFans上拍摄脚部照片的收入比音乐流媒体服务的收入还要多. Pop star Lily Allen earns more from feet photos on OnlyFans than music streaming services.
流行歌手莉莉·艾伦透露, 她在OnlyFans上销售脚部照片的收入超过了她在Spotify等音乐流媒体服务上的收入. Pop star Lily Allen has disclosed that her earnings from selling feet pictures on OnlyFans exceed her income from music streaming services like Spotify. 自2024年7月启动账户以来,她已获得1,000个订户,每个订户10美元,每年可能赚取120 000美元。 Since launching her account in July 2024, she has gained 1,000 subscribers at $10 each, potentially earning $120,000 annually. 尽管每月有800万Spotify听众, 但艾伦在推特上为自己的选择辩护, 敦促批评者"讨厌游戏, 而不是玩家". Despite having 8 million monthly Spotify listeners, Allen defended her choice on Twitter, urging critics to "hate the game, not the player."