80%的在线万圣节服装达不到安全标准; 80% of online Halloween costumes fail safety standards; high street costumes are safer.
BBC早餐在万圣节前提醒家长, 网上市场80%的服装都达不到安全标准。 BBC Breakfast cautioned parents before Halloween that 80% of costumes from online marketplaces fail safety standards. Yorkshire消防局的示威表明,由于防火性能,高街道服装更安全,而在线选择往往缺乏安全标签,很容易点燃。 A demonstration by Yorkshire Fire Service revealed that high street costumes are safer due to fire-retardant properties, while online options often lack safety labels and ignite easily. 2014年涉及Claudia Winkleman女儿的事件引发了这一警告,敦促父母从有声望的品牌和官方网站购买。 The warning, inspired by a 2014 incident involving Claudia Winkleman's daughter, urged parents to buy from reputable brands and official websites.