爱尔兰欧洲议员Seán Kelly在宣传中呼吁欧盟停止每两年换时钟, 理由是健康风险和公众支持. Irish MEP Seán Kelly campaigns to end EU's biannual clock changes, citing health risks & public support.
爱尔兰欧洲议员Seán Kelly正在为欧盟结束半年换时的做法进行竞选,称这种做法过时且对健康有害. Irish MEP Seán Kelly is campaigning to end the EU's biannual clock changes, calling the practice outdated and harmful to health. 他举出证据表明,这种转变扰乱了睡眠,增加了心脏病发作和事故的风险。 He cites evidence that the shifts disrupt sleep and increase risks of heart attacks and accidents. 在各党派欧洲议会议员的支持下,以及 2018 年的一项公众咨询显示 84% 的人赞成废除死刑,凯利的目标是在即将到来的议会任期内将这个问题重新置于最前沿。 Supported by MEPs from all parties and a 2018 public consultation showing 84% favoring abolition, Kelly aims to bring the issue back to the forefront in the upcoming parliamentary term. 下一次时钟的变化将发生在2025年3月30日. The next clock change will occur on March 30, 2025.