Bollywood女演员Alia Bhatt否认有关博托克斯的谣言,强调社会判断和个性。 Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt denies rumors of botched Botox, emphasizing societal judgment and individuality.
Bollywood女演员Alia Bhatt公开否认有谣言说,她有一个糟糕的肉毒杆菌手术导致面部麻痹。 Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt has publicly denied rumors suggesting she had a botched Botox procedure leading to facial paralysis. 在Instagram的文章中, 她将这些主张称为“超越荒谬”, 并批评女性在外表上面对的社会判断。 In an Instagram post, she called these claims "beyond ridiculous" and criticized the societal judgment women face regarding their appearances. Bhatt强调,有必要庆祝个性,而不是使不切实际的美貌标准永久化,强调这种投机行为可能对年轻人造成潜在伤害。 Bhatt emphasized the need to celebrate individuality rather than perpetuating unrealistic beauty standards, highlighting the potential harm such speculations can have on young people.