青年牧师安德鲁·佩恩 (Andrew Payne) 被指控犯有涉及未成年人的三级不当性行为;调查正在进行中。 Youth pastor Andrew Payne charged with 3rd-degree sexual misconduct involving a minor; investigation ongoing.
来自SC哈特斯维尔的青年牧师Andrew Payne被指控犯有涉及未成年人的三级性犯罪行为。 Andrew Payne, a youth pastor from Hartsville, SC, has been charged with third-degree criminal sexual conduct involving a minor. 达林顿县治安官办公室在接到据称不当行为的报告后,于1月份开始调查。 The Darlington County Sheriff's Office began its investigation in January following a report of alleged misconduct. Payne自首,目前被关押在W. Glenn Campbell拘留中心,等待保释听证会。 Payne turned himself in and is currently detained at W. Glenn Campbell Detention Center, awaiting a bond hearing. 案件仍在调查之中,详细信息被隐瞒,以保护受害者的身份。 The case remains under investigation, with details withheld to protect the victim's identity.