60岁的马拉松跑者Patrick Vanderbush在底特律马拉松期间心脏病发作, 60-year-old marathon runner Patrick Vanderbush suffers heart attack during Detroit marathon, survives with stents, hopes to run again.
Patrick Vanderbush是一名60岁的马拉松选手,在底特律自由新闻马拉松生日期间心脏病发作。 Patrick Vanderbush, a 60-year-old marathon runner, suffered a heart attack during the Detroit Free Press Marathon on his birthday. 快速CPR和医疗干预挽救了他的生命,导致安置了两个支架。 Quick CPR and medical intervention saved his life, leading to the placement of two stents. 在底特律医疗中心康复后,他对医疗队表示感谢,并获得马拉松奖章。 After recovery at Detroit Medical Center, he expressed gratitude to the medical team and received a marathon medal. Vanderbush仍持乐观态度, 希望经医生批准再跑马拉松。 Vanderbush remains optimistic, hoping to run another marathon with his doctor’s approval.