芝加哥小村被绑架的10岁男孩 越狱 被警方通缉的嫌犯 10-year-old boy kidnapped in Little Village, Chicago, escapes, suspect sought by police.
一名10岁男孩在芝加哥的小村被绑架,但被绑架者强迫步行后逃脱。 A 10-year-old boy was kidnapped in Little Village, Chicago, but escaped after being forced to walk by his abductor. 嫌犯被描述为黑人男性,年龄介于5尺5至5尺10岁之间,身着黑衣和黑面罩,试图在事件发生时使用手机。 The suspect, described as a black male, between 5'5" and 5'10", wearing dark clothing and a black mask, attempted to use a cellphone during the incident. 男孩回家通知父亲,父亲与警方联系。 The boy returned home to inform his father, who contacted the police. 当局正在寻求关于嫌疑人的资料,可到(312) 746-8251。 Authorities are seeking information on the suspect and can be reached at (312) 746-8251.