Swiggiges将IPO的估值目标降低到市场波动中125亿至135亿美元。 Swiggy lowers IPO valuation target to $12.5-$13.5 billion amid market volatility.
Swigiging将其IPO的估值目标减少到125亿至135亿美元,比其最初目标150亿美元减少了10-16%,原因是市场波动。 Swiggy has reduced its IPO valuation target to $12.5-$13.5 billion, a decrease of 10-16% from its initial goal of $15 billion, citing market volatility. 食品配送公司计划在11月13日上市, 订阅将在前一周开放. The food delivery company plans to list on Mumbai bourses on November 13, with subscriptions opening the week prior. 尽管市场波动,印度的IPO市场今年成功地筹集了125.7亿美元,超过了2022年的总额。 Despite market fluctuations, India's IPO market has successfully raised $12.57 billion this year, outpacing the total for all of 2022.