冰岛召回现成餐,因为未申报的花生对过敏患者构成风险. Iceland recalls ready-meals due to undeclared peanuts, posing a risk to allergy sufferers.
英国连锁超市冰岛(Iceland)召回了几款现成食品,因为这些食品可能含有未申报的花生,对花生过敏的人构成风险。 Iceland, a UK supermarket chain, has recalled several ready-made meals due to potential undeclared peanuts, posing a risk to those with peanut allergies. 受影响的产品包括来自冰岛的各种口味的外卖鸡肉菜肴和来自 Slimming World 的几顿饭。 Affected products include various flavors of Takeaway Chicken dishes from Iceland and several meals from Slimming World. 建议消费者不要消费这些物品,并将它们退回商店全额退款。 Consumers are advised not to consume these items and to return them to the store for a full refund. 爱尔兰食品安全局在发出警告后,再次发出警告。 The recall follows a warning from the Food Safety Authority of Ireland.