无家可归的黑人男子在迈阿密的朱莉亚·塔特尔大道上发现尸体; 目前正在进行调查. Homeless Black male's body found on Julia Tuttle Causeway in Miami; ongoing investigation.
一个人的尸体 据信是一位无家可归的黑人男性 星期四早上在迈阿密的朱莉娅塔特尔高速公路上被发现 A man's body, believed to be that of a homeless Black male, was found on the Julia Tuttle Causeway in Miami on Thursday morning. 佛罗里达高速公路巡逻队和迈阿密警方正在调查现场,尸体位于东行道附近的草地。 The Florida Highway Patrol and Miami Police are investigating the scene, where the body was located in a grassy area off the eastbound lanes. 没有任何犯罪嫌疑, 并且这名男子的身份尚未公布. Foul play is not suspected, and the man's identity has not been released. 随着当局收集更多信息,调查正在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing as authorities gather more information.