马克·哈尔佩林 (Mark Halperin) 警告说,2024 年大选可能会受到虚假报道的影响,并引用了《大西洋月刊》关于特朗普言论的有争议的报道。 2024 election may be influenced by false stories, warns Mark Halperin, citing a disputed Atlantic report on Trump's comments.
政治记者Mark Halperin对可能旨在影响2024年总统大选的虚假报导提出警告, 特别是大西洋争议报告指控前总统特朗普(Trump)对一名已故墨西哥裔美国士兵发表诽谤性评论。 Political journalist Mark Halperin has raised alarms about potentially false stories aimed at influencing the 2024 presidential election, notably following a disputed Atlantic report alleging former President Trump made derogatory comments about a deceased Mexican-American soldier. Halperin警告不要提出未经核实的主张,暗示一些民主党人绝望,这可能导致捏造的叙事,使候选人名誉扫地。 Halperin cautioned against unverified claims, suggesting desperation among some Democrats may lead to fabricated narratives to discredit candidates. 他强调,在这种高温气氛中,媒体必须加以监督。 He emphasized the need for media scrutiny in this charged atmosphere.