2024 坏血事件:GUNTHER的言论促使Goldberg要求参加退休比赛。 2024 Bad Blood event: GUNTHER's remarks prompt Goldberg's request for a retirement match.
美国WWE名人堂成员比尔·戈德伯格警告世界重量级冠军冈瑟尔在WWEBad Blood 2024的对抗之后,不要对他和他的家人发表负面评论. WWE Hall of Famer Bill Goldberg warned World Heavyweight Champion GUNTHER against making negative comments about him and his family following their confrontation at WWE Bad Blood 2024. GUNTHER的言论质疑Goldberg的为人父母之道,促使Goldberg表示他渴望退休比赛。 GUNTHER's remarks, which questioned Goldberg's parenting, prompted Goldberg to express his desire for a retirement match. 虽然他们之间的未来比赛是推测的,但仍然未经证实。 Although a future match between them is speculated, it remains unconfirmed. 戈德伯格在两年多的时间里 还没有为WWE而战过 Goldberg has not wrestled for WWE in over two years.