十一岁的诺斯韦斯特在金·卡戴珊的44岁生日时送给她一枚定制的钻石项链. 11-year-old North West gave Kim Kardashian a custom diamond necklace on her 44th birthday.
在她44岁生日之际,金·卡戴珊从她11岁的女儿北西那里收到了一枚独特的钻石项链,上面写着"Skibidi Toilet"一句话,这是引用一个流行的YouTube系列的. On her 44th birthday, Kim Kardashian received a unique diamond necklace from her 11-year-old daughter, North West, featuring the phrase "Skibidi Toilet"—a reference to a viral YouTube series. 项链上刻着"爱,北10/21/24" The necklace also had "Love, North 10/21/24" engraved on it. North 和她的兄弟姐妹 Chicago、Saint 和 Psalm 用气球展示和手写便条给他们的母亲一个惊喜,为庆祝活动增添了礼物和装饰品。 North and her siblings, Chicago, Saint, and Psalm, surprised their mother with a balloon display and handwritten notes, adding to the celebration filled with gifts and decorations.