9月3日,48岁的前国防部副总检察长特洛伊·塞贝尔因慢性酗酒并发症死亡。 48-year-old former ND Deputy Attorney General Troy Seibel died of chronic alcohol abuse complications on Sept. 3.
北达科他州前副总检察长特洛伊·塞贝尔(Troy Seibel)于9月3日死于与慢性酗酒有关的并发症,圣约瑟夫县验尸官办公室证实了这一点。 Troy Seibel, former Deputy Attorney General of North Dakota, died on September 3 from complications related to chronic alcohol abuse, as confirmed by the St. Joseph County Coroner's Office. 48岁的Seibel于2022年在遇到法律麻烦,包括酒后驾车指控后辞职。 Seibel, 48, had resigned in 2022 following legal troubles, including a DUI charge. 他的死是自然的 但家人最初隐瞒了细节 引发了公众的猜测 His death was ruled natural, but the family initially withheld details, prompting public speculation. 9月21日在曼丹为他举行了私人纪念碑活动。 A private memorial was held for him in Mandan on September 21.