67岁的父亲和本地医生因在旅行前的仪式期间共谋谋杀儿子而在尼日利亚埃努古被捕。 67-year-old father and native doctor arrested in Enugu, Nigeria for conspiring to murder son during ritual before travel.
尼日利亚埃努古州警方逮捕了67岁的Uwakwe Eze和48岁的当地医生Enuwa Odugu, 据称他们曾在Eze计划出国前的仪式中谋杀了他的儿子Chikwado. In Enugu State, Nigeria, police arrested 67-year-old Uwakwe Eze and 48-year-old native doctor Enuwa Odugu for allegedly conspiring to murder Eze's son, Chikwado, during a ritual meant for "fortification" before his planned travel abroad. 这名26岁的年轻人在作为仪式的一部分被活埋后不久死亡。 The young man, 26, died shortly after being buried alive as part of the ritual. 当地医生供认,声称死亡是由于受害者没有遵守仪式规则。 The native doctor confessed, claiming the death was due to the victim's failure to follow ritualistic rules. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.