南卡罗来纳州批准首座美国黑人罗伯特·斯摩尔斯纪念碑 South Carolina approves first monument for African American Robert Smalls at Statehouse.
南卡罗来纳州将在州议会立首座纪念非洲裔美国人罗伯特·斯莫尔斯的纪念碑. South Carolina will erect its first individual monument honoring African American Robert Smalls at the Statehouse. 斯莫尔斯以他大胆逃离奴隶制而闻名, 在内战期间, 他指挥一艘南方联盟的船只, 后来在美国众议院任职, 并帮助重写州宪法, 确保黑人男性平等. Smalls, known for his daring escape from slavery during the Civil War by commandeering a Confederate ship, later served in the U.S. House and helped rewrite the state's constitution to ensure equality for Black men. 该雕像提案得到州议会和参议院的一致支持,一个委员会负责在1月15日前完成设计和供资。 The statue proposal received unanimous support from the state House and Senate, with a committee tasked to finalize design and funding by January 15th.