2024 年最恐怖的电影《怪异》由达米安·麦卡锡执导,惊吓评分为 69 分。 2024's scariest movie "Oddity", directed by Damian McCarthy, achieves a Scare Score of 69.
爱尔兰恐怖电影“Oddity”是2024年最恐怖的电影, The Science of Scare Project has named the Irish horror film "Oddity" the scariest movie of 2024, achieving a Scare Score of 69. 这部电影由达米安·麦卡锡执导,讲述一个悲伤的医生,他的妻子被谋杀,她的双胞胎妹妹带着令人不安的启示来到. Directed by Damian McCarthy, the film follows a grieving doctor whose wife is murdered, and her twin sister arrives with unsettling revelations. “Oddity”可在 Shudder 上播放,Shudder 为新用户提供 7 天免费试用。 "Oddity" is available for streaming on Shudder, which is offering a seven-day free trial for new users.