多家北安普敦地区公共汽车运营商因工业贡献获得工程奖。 Multiple Northampton-area bus operators receive engineering awards for industry contributions.
来自北安普顿、彼得伯勒、米尔顿凯恩斯、贝德福德、卢顿和林肯郡的几家公交运营商在国家工程颁奖典礼上获得认可,因其对行业的贡献而赢得了多个奖杯。 Several bus operators from Northampton, Peterborough, Milton Keynes, Bedford, Luton, and Lincolnshire have been recognized at a national engineering awards ceremony, winning multiple trophies for their contributions to the industry. 这些赞誉突出显示了运营商致力于在公共交通中实现工程卓越和创新。 These accolades highlight the operators' commitment to engineering excellence and innovation in public transportation.