Fujitsu为自主任务参与和合作提供AI代理服务。 Fujitsu launches AI Agent service for autonomous task engagement and collaboration.
Fujitsu推出了 " 藤津小津 " AI代理,这是AI的一项服务,旨在促进自主的高级别任务参与和人类合作。 Fujitsu has launched the Fujitsu Kozuchi AI Agent, an AI service designed for autonomous high-level task engagement and human collaboration. 它被纳入Fujitsu数据情报 PaaS, 旨在通过跨行业解决办法解决社会问题。 Integrated into the Fujitsu Data Intelligence PaaS, it aims to address societal issues through cross-industry solutions. 这项服务最初侧重于商业盈利性讨论,最初将扩大到生产管理和法律事务等其他领域,并计划在2024年财政上扩大推广范围。 Initially focused on business profitability discussions, the service will expand to other areas like production management and legal affairs, with a broader rollout planned for fiscal 2024.