自由创意顾问 Kavi Vu 搬到了越南胡志明市,每月 1,500 美元的生活很奢侈,专注于激情和心理健康。 Freelance creative consultant Kavi Vu moved to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and lives luxuriously on $1,500/month, focusing on passion and mental well-being.
Kavi Vu 是一名自由创意顾问和摄像师,他从美国搬到了越南胡志明市,寻求慢节奏的生活方式。 Kavi Vu, a freelance creative consultant and videographer, relocated from the U.S. to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, seeking a slower lifestyle. 她每月赚取约 11,000 美元,每周工作 8 到 15 小时,享受着每月 1,500 美元的奢华生活,其中包括 950 美元的房租。 Earning about $11,000 monthly while working 8 to 15 hours per week, she enjoys a luxurious life for $1,500 a month, including $950 for rent.