保守派评论员劳拉·卢默 (Laura Loomer) 起诉比尔·马赫 (Bill Maher) 和 HBO 因虚假的特朗普婚外情指控而犯下 $150m 的诽谤罪。 Conservative commentator Laura Loomer sues Bill Maher and HBO for $150m defamation over false Trump affair allegations.
保守派评论员劳拉·卢默 (Laura Loomer) 起诉喜剧演员比尔·马赫 (Bill Maher) 和HBO, 要求赔偿1.5亿美元. Laura Loomer, a conservative commentator, is suing comedian Bill Maher and HBO for $150 million for defamation. 她声称Maher在他的节目“真实时间”上错误地暗示她与前总统特朗普有染。 She claims Maher falsely suggested on his show, "Real Time," that she had an affair with former President Trump. Lomer认为,这些言论是恶意的,损害了她的声誉和职业。 Loomer argues these remarks were made with malice and have harmed her reputation and career. 她寻求陪审团审判和公开道歉,而Maher和HBO尚未对诉讼作出答复。 She seeks a jury trial and a public apology, while Maher and HBO have yet to respond to the lawsuit.