巴尔的摩乌鸦队的 QB 拉马尔·杰克逊在第 7 周的精彩比赛后成为 NFL MVP 的热门人选。 Baltimore Ravens' QB Lamar Jackson becomes the NFL MVP favorite after a Week 7 standout game.
巴尔的摩乌鸦队的四分卫拉马尔·杰克逊 (Lamar Jackson) 在第 7 周的比赛中表现出色,在对阵坦帕湾海盗队的比赛中投出了 5 次达阵传球,他已成为 NFL MVP 的热门人选。 Lamar Jackson, quarterback for the Baltimore Ravens, has become the favorite for the NFL MVP after a standout performance in Week 7, where he threw five touchdown passes against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. 他的赔率提高到+210, 超过Patrick Mahomes +470。 His odds have improved to +210, surpassing Patrick Mahomes at +470. 杰克逊对阵 NFC 球队的战绩令人印象深刻,23-1,本赛季他以 15 次达阵传球领跑联盟。 Jackson's record against NFC teams is an impressive 23-1, and he leads the league with 15 touchdown passes this season. 他的目标是巩固他的遗产,因为他继续竞争超级碗冠军头衔。 He aims to solidify his legacy as he continues to compete for a Super Bowl title.