48 岁妇女和 49 岁的 Bandidos 副总裁在错过出庭后因 2019 年贩毒指控被引渡到塔斯马尼亚。 48-year-old woman and 49-year-old Bandidos vice president extradited to Tasmania for 2019 drug trafficking charges after missed court appearance.
10月22日,一名48岁的妇女和一名49岁的男子在10月14日缺席出庭后,被从新南威尔士州引渡到塔斯马尼亚州的霍巴特。 On October 22, a 48-year-old woman and a 49-year-old man were extradited from New South Wales to Hobart, Tasmania, after missing a court appearance on October 14. 他们被指控贩运2019年进口到塔斯马尼亚的大约70万美元的非法毒品。 They face charges of trafficking approximately $700,000 worth of illicit drugs imported into Tasmania in 2019. 据报,此人是Bandidos Outlaw机动车帮的全国副主席。 The man was reportedly the national vice president of the Bandidos Outlaw Motorcycle Gang. 引渡是先遣行动的一部分,涉及塔斯马尼亚州和澳大利亚联邦警察。 The extradition was part of Operation Advance, involving both Tasmania and Australian Federal Police.