维多利亚自由党领袖John Pesutto因指称在集会上发表贬损性言论而面临前国会议员Moira Deeming的诽谤诉讼。 Victorian Liberal leader John Pesutto faces defamation lawsuit from former MP Moira Deeming over alleged derogatory remarks at a rally.
维多利亚自由党领袖John Pesutto正面临前国会议员Moira Deeming的诽谤诉讼。 Victorian Liberal leader John Pesutto is facing a defamation lawsuit from former MP Moira Deeming. 她声称,Pesutto对参加2023年3月新纳粹分子扰乱的集会发表了贬损性言论,指责他为政治利益而行动。 She claims Pesutto made derogatory remarks regarding her attendance at a March 2023 rally that was disrupted by neo-Nazis, accusing him of acting for political gain. 此案预计将于2024年作出判决,在持续的政治紧张局势下,可能会严重影响Pesutto党内领导层。 The case, with a verdict expected in 2024, could significantly impact Pesutto's leadership within the party amid ongoing political tensions.