温哥华非盈利的LCO BC启动项目,以应对不列颠哥伦比亚小企业在商业空间负担能力方面的挑战。 Vancouver non-profit LOCO BC launches project to address commercial space affordability challenges for small businesses in BC.
温哥华非盈利企业LOCO BC正在启动支持商业负担能力和独立商业项目,以解决不列颠哥伦比亚省小企业,特别是大温哥华和维多利亚的小企业在商业空间负担能力方面的挑战。 LOCO BC, a Vancouver non-profit, is launching the Supporting Commercial Affordability and Independent Business project to tackle commercial space affordability challenges for small businesses in British Columbia, particularly in Greater Vancouver and Victoria. 该倡议将从1月开始,通过举行具体部门会议,探讨创新模式和政策变化。 The initiative, starting in January, will explore innovative models and policy changes through sector-specific meetings. 尽管政府提供了一些支持,但许多企业仍在承受不断上涨的成本和经济压力。 Despite some government support, many businesses continue to struggle with rising costs and economic pressures.