现代汽车集团主席与PM Modi会面, 讨论流动部门协作问题, 强调「印度制造」及EV计划。 Hyundai Motor Group's Chairman meets PM Modi to discuss mobility sector collaboration, emphasizing "Make in India" and EV plans.
现代汽车集团执行主席 Euisun Chung 会见了印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪 (Narendra Modi),讨论了印度移动出行领域的合作。 Hyundai Motor Group's Executive Chair, Euisun Chung, met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to discuss collaboration in India's mobility sector. Chung强调现代公司对“印度制造”倡议的承诺,并计划通过在马哈拉施特拉邦Pune的一家新工厂以及扩大当地生产和EV基础设施来加强其存在。 Chung emphasized Hyundai's commitment to the "Make in India" initiative and plans to strengthen its presence through a new plant in Pune, Maharashtra, and by expanding local production and EV infrastructure. 现代公司的目标是成为印度最受信任的流动伙伴,同时支持印度电动车辆的增长。 Hyundai aims to become India's most trusted mobility partner while supporting the growth of electric vehicles in the country.