威尔士的格温特警察调查一名女子和她的小孩子被一名男子绑架的报道. Gwent Police in Wales investigate reported abduction involving a woman and her young children by a man in a lime green top and silver van.
威尔士邦蒂普尔的格温特警察正在调查据报10月21日发生的一起绑架案,涉及一名妇女和四名2至7岁的幼儿。 Gwent Police in Pontypool, Wales, are investigating a reported abduction involving a woman and her four young children, ages two to seven, on October 21. 这起事件发生在百老汇午夜过后, 涉及一位20多岁或30多岁的男子。 The incident occurred just after midnight on Broadway, involving a man in his twenties or thirties. 嫌犯身着石灰绿色的顶部 与一辆银色福特交通连通货车有关 The suspect was wearing a lime green top and is associated with a silver Ford Transit Connect van. 当局正在敦促任何有情报的人站出来协助调查。 Authorities are urging anyone with information to come forward to assist in the investigation.