FPT和P3建立了软件开发和服务合资企业P3越南有限公司。 FPT and P3 establish joint venture P3 Vietnam Ltd. for software development and services.
FPT和P3组成了一个名为P3越南有限公司的合资企业,结合了它们在软件开发方面的优势。 FPT and P3 have formed a joint venture called P3 Vietnam Ltd., combining their strengths in software development. 这一伙伴关系旨在通过利用岸上、近岸和离岸服务,提供高端、成本效益高的软件解决方案。 This partnership aims to deliver high-end, cost-effective software solutions by utilizing onshore, nearshore, and offshore services. FPT软件力求通过这一由CEO Duong Nguyen和Robert Rendl主席领导的企业加强其全球存在,这些企业将利用创新技术实施使客户受益。 FPT Software seeks to enhance its global presence through this venture, which will be led by CEO Duong Nguyen and Chairman Robert Rendl, benefiting clients with innovative technological implementations.