2024年福布斯榜:尼泊尔的亿万富翁Binod Chaudhary, 净资产为18亿美元, 主要来自他的Wai Wai面条品牌. 2024 Forbes List: Nepal's billionaire Binod Chaudhary, net worth $1.8B, primarily from his Wai Wai noodle brand.
尼泊尔唯一的亿万富翁Binod Chaudhary被列入2024年福布斯10亿富翁名单,净值18亿美元,主要来自他的即时面条牌Wai Wai Wai。 Binod Chaudhary, Nepal's only billionaire, has been listed on the 2024 Forbes Billionaire List with a net worth of $1.8 billion, primarily from his instant noodle brand, Wai Wai. 这个品牌在印度和其他地方与Maggi竞争。 This brand competes with Maggi in India and beyond. Chaudhary的多种商业利益包括电子、银行和房地产。 Chaudhary's diverse business interests include electronics, banking, and real estate. 他还为2015年尼泊尔地震后的重建工作贡献了20卢比,并倡导尼泊尔投资友好型政策。 He has also contributed over Rs 20 crore for rebuilding efforts after the 2015 Nepal earthquake and advocates for investment-friendly policies in Nepal.