一辆公共汽车于周二袭击诺丁汉市中心的行人,造成道路封锁和混乱。 A bus hit a pedestrian in Nottingham city center on Tuesday, causing road closures and disruptions.
周二上午,一辆公共汽车在诺丁汉市中心与一名行人相撞,导致米尔顿街和玻璃屋街之间的下议会街严重封路。 A bus collided with a pedestrian in Nottingham city center on Tuesday morning, leading to significant road closures on Lower Parliament Street between Milton and Glasshouse Streets. 紧急服务大约在上午7点左右作出反应,但受伤的详细情况仍不清楚。 Emergency services responded around 7 am, but details on injuries remain unclear. 这一事件扰乱了当地公共汽车服务和交通,促使Nottinghamshire警察在调查继续进行期间向驾车司机提供咨询意见,以避开该地区。 The incident has disrupted local bus services and traffic, prompting Nottinghamshire Police to advise motorists to avoid the area as investigations continue.