奥克兰南部高速公路因Penrose附近的警察事件而关闭,造成交通堵塞和延误。 Auckland's Southern Motorway closed due to police incident near Penrose, causing traffic congestion and delay.
由于彭罗斯附近的警察事件,奥克兰南部高速公路的南向车道被关闭,导致严重的交通拥堵延伸到 Spaghetti Junction。 Southbound lanes of Auckland's Southern Motorway were closed due to a police incident near Penrose, causing significant traffic congestion extending to Spaghetti Junction. 现场提供紧急服务,机动车司机建议选择其他路线。 Emergency services were on-site, and motorists were advised to take alternative routes. 后来,高速公路重新开通,但随着交通清关,延误依然存在。 Later, the motorway reopened, but delays persisted as traffic cleared. 事件发生期间,一名重病患者被送往奥克兰市医院。 A critical patient was transported to Auckland City Hospital during the incident.