来自Shawnee的70岁的David Irving Smith死于Guthrie附近I-35号的车祸;他的半卡车在路边开走,撞上了一辆停着的汽车。 70-year-old David Irving Smith from Shawnee died in a car accident on I-35 near Guthrie; his semi-truck veered off the road and hit a parked vehicle.
来自俄克拉荷马州Shawnee的70岁男子David Irving Smith, 星期天早上在Guthrie附近的I-35号车祸中死亡。 David Irving Smith, a 70-year-old man from Shawnee, Oklahoma, died in a car accident on I-35 near Guthrie on Sunday morning. 他的半卡车停在路边,在上午9点左右撞上了一辆无人驾驶的停泊车辆。 Smith在现场被宣布死亡,尽管他带了安全带。 His semi-truck veered off the road and hit an unoccupied parked vehicle around 9 a.m. Smith was pronounced dead at the scene, despite wearing a seatbelt. 在俄克拉荷马州公路巡逻队调查这一事件时,北向车道被关闭了大约两个小时。 Northbound lanes were closed for about two hours as the Oklahoma Highway Patrol investigates the incident. 卡车也着火了,但天气和道路条件都很清楚。 The truck also caught fire, but weather and road conditions were clear.