女子在佐治亚州塔克公寓被男友枪杀; 嫌疑人被警方搜寻. Woman fatally shot by boyfriend in Tucker, Georgia apartment; suspect sought by police.
上午7时30分左右,一名妇女在乔治亚州塔克的公寓中被致命枪击身亡。 A woman was fatally shot in her apartment in Tucker, Georgia, around 7:30 a.m. 嫌疑人据信是她的男朋友,也可能是她孩子的父亲,目前正在格威内特县警方通缉。 The suspect, believed to be her boyfriend and possibly the father of her children, is currently being sought by Gwinnett County police. 在这次事件中,包括儿童在内的多人在场。 Multiple individuals, including children, were present during the incident. 当局称这种情况是孤立的,并正在积极调查杀人案。 Authorities have labeled the situation as isolated and are actively investigating the homicide. 居民对该地区的安全表示关切。 Residents have expressed concerns about safety in the area.