杰拉尔德·福特 (Gerald Ford) 的女儿苏珊·福特·贝尔斯 (Susan Ford Bales) 支持 Kamala Harris 参加 2020 年大选,并引用了 1 月 6 日的问责制。 Susan Ford Bales, daughter of Gerald Ford, endorses Kamala Harris for 2020 election, cites Jan 6 accountability.
前共和党总统福特·福特(Gerald Ford Ford)的女儿苏珊·福特(Susan Ford Bales)支持民主党副总统哈里斯(Kamala Harris)参加2020年总统选举。 Susan Ford Bales, daughter of former Republican President Gerald Ford, has endorsed Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris for the 2020 presidential election. Bales强调,必须对1月6日的国会攻击事件负责,并表示Harris体现了她父亲所坚持的宪法价值观。 Bales emphasized the need for accountability regarding the January 6 Capitol attack and expressed that Harris embodies the constitutional values her father upheld. 尽管政策不同,Bales主张有同情心的领导,并与其他共和党人一起支持Harris,强调她在密歇根州波动动态中的重要性。 Despite policy differences, Bales advocates for compassionate leadership and joins other Republicans supporting Harris, highlighting her significance in Michigan's swing state dynamics.