Shohei Ohtani 在历史性的击球表现后带领洛杉矶道奇队进入世界大赛。 Shohei Ohtani leads Los Angeles Dodgers to World Series after historic hitting performance.
Shohei Ohtani 在与洛杉矶道奇队签约后首次进入世界大赛,洛杉矶道奇队将面对纽约洋基队。 Shohei Ohtani has reached the World Series for the first time after signing with the Los Angeles Dodgers, who will face the New York Yankees. 尽管奥塔尼正在接受手肘外科手术,而且没有投球这个季节,但是,他作为打手的一年还是很出色,实现了历史性的54个全垒打和130个RBI。 Ohtani, despite undergoing elbow surgery and not pitching this season, had an outstanding year as a hitter, achieving a historic 54 home runs and 130 RBIs. 他的表演在带领道奇队 参加冠军赛中至关重要 His performance was pivotal in leading the Dodgers to the championship series. 世界系列赛即将开始,比赛日期尚待宣布。 The World Series is set to begin soon, with game dates yet to be announced.