尼日利亚尽管国内停电,但仍向多哥、贝宁和尼日尔出口24小时电力。 Nigeria exports 24-hour electricity to Togo, Benin, and Niger despite domestic outages.
尼日利亚传输公司(TCN)宣布,尼日利亚向邻国多哥、贝宁和尼日尔提供24小时供电,尽管国内持续停电。 The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) announced that Nigeria provides 24-hour electricity to neighboring countries Togo, Benin, and Niger, despite ongoing power outages domestically. CEO Sule Abdulaziz指出,只有某些尼日利亚客户获得始终不变的电力,A组每天获得20-22小时的电力。 CEO Sule Abdulaziz noted that only certain Nigerian customers receive consistent power, with Band A receiving 20-22 hours daily. 他表示希望在五年内提高电力的可靠性,将电网失灵归咎于更广泛的系统性问题,并强调重大基础设施挑战。 He expressed hope for improved electricity reliability within five years, attributing grid failures to broader systemic issues and highlighting significant infrastructure challenges.