美国航天局因技术问题中止了国际空间站的星轮号飞行任务,影响到机组人员飞行时间表。 NASA suspends Starliner from ISS missions due to technical issues, affecting crewed flight timeline.
美国航天局已决定,由于当前的技术问题,将星轮号航天器从即将到国际空间站的飞行任务中中止。 NASA has decided to suspend the Starliner spacecraft from upcoming missions to the International Space Station (ISS) due to ongoing technical issues. 该决定影响到机组人员飞行的时间表,突出了在确保航天器做好安全运行准备方面所面临的挑战。 The decision affects the timeline for crewed flights and highlights the challenges faced in ensuring the spacecraft's readiness for safe operations. 美国航天局的目的是在开展今后的任务之前解决这些问题。 NASA aims to address these concerns before proceeding with future missions.