欧盟建立了托管投资者网络,拥有71家VC公司,投资90B欧元,以促进整个欧洲的技术创新。 The EU establishes the Trusted Investors Network with 71 VC firms, investing €90B to boost tech innovation across Europe.
欧洲联盟正与71家风险资本公司合作,组成受信任投资者网络,以促进对全欧洲技术创新的投资。 The European Union is forming the Trusted Investors Network, collaborating with 71 venture capital firms to boost investment in technology innovation across Europe. 该倡议涉及900多亿欧元的资产,旨在支持深技术公司,提高本区域的经济竞争力。 This initiative, involving over €90 billion in assets, aims to support deep-tech companies and enhance the region's economic competitiveness. 它回应了人们对欧洲技术部门落后于美国和中国的关切,并遵循了增加技术投资的建议。 It responds to concerns about Europe's tech sector lagging behind the U.S. and China and follows recommendations for increased investment in technology.