气旋风暴“Dana”预计将于 10 月 24 日袭击 Puri 和 Sagar 岛之间的孟加拉湾;奥里萨邦和西孟加拉邦当局为零伤亡做好了准备。 Cyclonic storm 'Dana' expected to hit Bay of Bengal between Puri and Sagar Island on Oct 24; authorities in Odisha and West Bengal prepared for zero casualties.
预计一场名为“Dana”的气旋风暴将袭击孟加拉湾,预计将于 10 月 24 日在普里和萨加尔岛之间登陆。 A cyclonic storm, named 'Dana,' is anticipated to hit the Bay of Bengal, with landfall expected between Puri and Sagar Island on October 24. 奥里萨邦和西孟加拉邦当局已做好充分准备,优先考虑“零伤亡”。 Authorities in Odisha and West Bengal are fully prepared, prioritizing "zero casualties." 国家救灾部队已部署工作队,而渔民则被建议留在岸上。 The National Disaster Response Force has deployed teams, while fishermen are advised to stay ashore. 采取了预防措施,包括从脆弱地区撤离,以尽量减少损害和确保安全。 Preventive measures, including evacuations from vulnerable areas, are in place to minimize damage and ensure safety.