贝加山谷郡议会计划在10月23日至25日重新封路, 并邀请食品商在11月7日前申请许可证. Bega Valley Shire Council plans road resealing Oct 23-25, and invites food vendors to apply for licenses by Nov 7.
Bega Valley Shire理事会将从10月23日至25日进行道路重新密封,影响交通。 Bega Valley Shire Council will conduct road resealing from October 23-25, affecting traffic. 专注于社区领导人的新播客"迈进"将于10月推出. A new podcast, "Stepping Up," focusing on community leaders, launches in October. 该理事会还在试行一个安全处置嵌入电池的方案,直到2026年9月,以促进更好的回收利用。 The council is also trialing a program for the safe disposal of embedded batteries until September 2026 to promote better recycling. 此外,他们邀请流动食品供应商申请2024年12月至2025年6月在民众储备中经营的许可证,申请应于11月7日前提交。 Additionally, they are inviting mobile food vendors to apply for licenses to operate in popular reserves from December 2024 to June 2025, with applications due by November 7.