根据IBC的数据,在安大略省的达勒姆,哈尔顿,约克和皮尔地区,汽车盗窃事件增加了2024次. 2024 auto thefts increased in Durham, Halton, York, and Peel regions of Ontario, per IBC.
根据加拿大保险局(IBC)的资料,安大略省的达勒姆、Halton、约克和皮尔地区自动盗窃事件呈上升趋势。 Auto thefts are on the rise in Durham, Halton, York, and Peel regions of Ontario, according to the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC). 2024年,杜勒姆地区所有社区的人数明显增加。 The increase is evident across all communities in Durham Region for the year 2024. 这一趋势突显出对这些地区车辆安全日益关切。 This trend highlights growing concerns about vehicle security in these areas.