奥迪司机在萨默塞特郡 Castle Cary 的警方行动中以 60 英里/小时的速度在 30 英里/小时的区域超速行驶。 Audi driver caught speeding 60mph in 30mph zone during police operation in Castle Cary, Somerset.
在萨默塞特郡的 Castle Cary,一名奥迪司机在警方回应居民对鲁莽驾驶的投诉的行动中,在 30 英里/小时的区域以 60 英里/小时的速度超速。 In Castle Cary, Somerset, an Audi driver was caught speeding at 60mph in a 30mph zone during a police operation responding to residents' complaints about reckless driving. Avon和Somrset警察记录了在A371号公路上仅一小时的109次超速违规事件,包括Audi在路标过路时超过极限。 Avon and Somerset Police recorded 109 speeding violations in just one hour on the A371 road, including the Audi exceeding the limit while passing over a road marking. 该行动突出了对该地区超速的持续关切。 The operation highlights ongoing concerns about speeding in the area.