苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克在10%的销售下降期就战略问题向耐克提供了咨询。 Apple CEO Tim Cook advised Nike on strategic issues during a 10% sales decline period.
苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)在以销售和领导力变化下降10%为标志的富有挑战性时期,在指导耐克方面发挥了作用。 Apple CEO Tim Cook has been instrumental in guiding Nike during a challenging period marked by a 10% decline in sales and leadership changes. 作为耐克服务时间最长的董事会成员,他就各种战略问题,包括中国的业务和执行任命,提出了咨询意见。 As Nike's longest-serving board member, he has advised on various strategic issues, including operations in China and executive appointments. 随着新任CEO埃利奥特·希尔的到位, 耐克推迟了其收入指导和投资者日. With new CEO Elliott Hill at the helm, Nike has postponed its revenue guidance and investor day. 库克与耐克的合作包括自2016年以来共同品牌的苹果观察模型。 Cook's collaboration with Nike includes co-branded Apple Watch models since 2016.